Thursday, July 29, 2010

Updates and moar!

So, vacation bible school has been going awesome. I think I might make my FB less priv so you (you know you are) can see some of the pictures and stuff as they come up. I got my hair cut, so no more flippy emo hair! :O I know, it's like... not even me anymore!

I now have a MUCH better paying job working at Trillium-Gilmore. Gonna be a server/bartender makng $12 an hour not including tips. I can't wait to start tomorrow!

I can't wait to see you again, if I don't get the chance at worship camp (which I know I will) maybe family camp if you go?

Ok, picture time!

I has a faux hawk :O

I shall call him... Mini Me.

Me, Rachel, Callie and Luke

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A new dawn, a new day..

Welp, sorry I haven't had any time to do anything on here for awhile, and since only one person I know really reads this, I can kinda direct things at said person.

Umm... Dear you. I hate your stinking guts. You make me sick. You're scum between my toes. Love, your PW. (Insert Little Rascals ACTUAL note here). I sure do hope you've seen the movie, if not... well... this blog might be taken out of context :P

Anyway, been in Spring Lake since yesterday. Going to Grand Haven really makes me wish I lived there... Took a bike ride with Rachel and Luke today, went through downtown Spring Lake and saw that they have this REALLY nice closed off hockey rink at central park, and I heard that they freeze it over during the winter. Umm... can you say me living in Spring Lake this winter? I think so. I miss hockey so much...

Um... Vacation Bible School start tomorrow. I get to get on stage and dance like a fool (like I normally do), but all the jumping around is giving me shin splints... curse my flat feet.

Get to walk around in swim trunks and a t-shirt. Hurray?

If you're anywhere in the area, you should come by Spring Lake Wesleyan Church Sunday-Thursday after like 6pm. Come see me sing an dance!!

Kids being put to bed now, finally get a chance to relax and play some piano! I really wish i had one at home..


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tired and Irritable

I think this is the first time I haven't wanted it to rain, and now it's pouring, go figure. 80 miles of biking the past 5 days, my legs are kinda tired and sore... but it's a great way to get my mind off of things. Too many things going on right now that I bumming me out, I really can't wait for school to start again.

Need a better paying job, my car is dead and I don't like it. I'm stuck to biking within a 10 mile radius... it gives me a few places to go, but not an efficient means of getting there.

Got a meeting with a school counselor to finalize my classes, I hope it doesn't change too much, I like my times right now. And once I get that figured out, i get books, and a new laptop with the leftover financial aid. I'm mucho happy about that.

I think I might go walk in this here rain, too much on my mind that sometimes I just wish I had a penseive.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I guess I just don't understand some parents sometimes... I mean, I suppose I can, but men are treated so unfairly in today's society. It's like we're guilty until proven innocent in regards to females.

In other news... I might not be going to Worship Camp, so that means I have no idea when I might see Squish again. I'm seriously bummed... I've been looking forward to this since Day Camp ended...

I've been biking a ton lately. 15 miles yesterday added on to hill sprints later... my legs are kinda dead, but I'm biking downtown again today. Gonna bring my camera this time.

Sorry blog, I feel like I'm rambling.

Bike ride time!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

So I figured...

I'm bringing the camera with me the next time I go biking. I keep posting all of these pictures, but they're all from the internet! White Pine Trail would be a great spot for photos... hmm...

I shall dwell on this.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very Bad Day.

More rain. I loves it.

Title of this one pretty much sums up the day. Rode the bike again for a little bit. Swam in the shower again. Sat home, read, heard some things I didn't like hearing... being forced to not talk to some people for awhile...

To sum it all up: Blah.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Maybe my mammy may go to Miami and maybe my mammy may not.

Switzerland. I want to live there for pretty much this reason here.

It's been a long day already, and it's only 6 PM. Finally got around to getting my bike fixed. New tire and tube on the back. $37 total, not too bad. Ended up breaking the new tire in by taking a nice 16 mile bikeride through this scorching heat today... Sunglasses + sun in face = weird tan line and cherry red nose.

Got to Rockford and went swimming at my aunts, which I haven't done in a few years. It was like 75 degrees. Heaven? Oh yeah, pretty much. Rode through downtown Rockford at like 2 PM... it's so busy there during the day. It's a really nice little town, I wouldn't mind living there either.

And now, I am bored again. I need new books.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

La bo la bo la bo laaa booo laaa

I've found a picture that is pretty much why I like rain so much. Watching it hit the trees and such is very peaceful.

 So, I'm still pretty new to this whole blog thing. I guess it isn't much different than Facebook, only not everyone knows about it. So where to start?

It's been a pretty busy summer. Right now, I'm kinda in-between activities... in that slump... I'm sitting at home, doing nothing. I can't stand it, I'm going out of my mind. My car is dead, I need a new bike tire... it kinda limits me to walking if I want to go someplace, and there aren't many places to go within reasonable walking distance on a hot day.

I honestly can't believe it's been 4 years since I graduated high school... the past 3 years have gone by so fast, and I've done nothing but sit at home. Well, that's changing. School starts up again in August, and I never thought I'd be looking forward to getting up at 6 am again. As of right now, this is my course schedule:

Windows Operating System [Tu 1:45 PM - 4 PM - Holland Campus] 2 Credits
Intro to Computer Information Systems [Fri 9 AM - 12:15 PM - GR] 3 Credits
Basic Music Theory [Mon-Fri 7:45 AM - 8:45 AM - GR] 3 Credits
Choir [Mon, Wed, Fri 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM - GR] 1 Credit
Introduction to Theater [Mon, Wed 9:30 AM - 11 AM - GR(Spectrum Theater)] 3 Credits

Everything there is subject to change as soon as I talk to an enrollment counselor on the 27th (which is really late if you ask me...). Hopefully it doesn't change too much, but I'd probably be dropping Intro to Theater.

I miss the camp experience from Branch Adventures more than I thought possible and I miss my Squishy even more. I can't wait until worship camp, but it seems like it's going to be an entirely new ball game. Not as many kids, and not nearly as young. Hopefully it goes well.

So yeah... that's my life in a nutshell at this moment.


So, now that I got this all squared away thanks to Kara, I believe she's going to be forcing me to post here.

For making this, I do believe I should earn some man points. Because let's be honest, I'm such a manly man.

